America’s Summer BBQ: Sizzling from the Southern Plains

America’s Summer BBQ: Sizzling from the Southern Plains

Posted by Wilbert Hundl, Jr., Regional Director of USDA-NASS Southern Plains Region serving Oklahoma and Texas in

Research and Science

Oklahoma and Texas form one of the nation’s most abundant agricultural regions. According to the 2022 Census of Agriculture, these two states accounted for 8% of total U.S. agricultural sales. The market value of agricultural products from Texas came to $32.2 billion, 6% of U.S. agricultural sales. In Oklahoma, the market value of agricultural sales reached $8.5 billion, 2% of total U.S. agricultural sales.

With a closer look at the latest ag census data, we can better understand the agriculture of the Southern Plains Region. Texas boasted 230,662 farms, ranking first in the nation in total number of farms. In fact, Oklahoma and Texas made up nearly 16% of all farms and 18% of farmland in the U.S.

We couldn’t help but notice that these two states ranked highly in the production of commodities that many people love to have at barbecues and cookouts. For example, in 2022:

So, thank the Southern Plains farmers and ranchers of Texas and Oklahoma for all the commodities they produce – especially when you’re preparing for your next cookout!

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