Choreo Insights now supports the full range of languages represented in WorldCat | OCLC

Choreo Insights now supports the full range of languages represented in WorldCat | OCLC

OCLC has expanded the analysis capabilities of Choreo Insights to support the full range of languages represented in WorldCat, the world’s most comprehensive database of information about library collections. At a time when collection librarians and area studies librarians are focused on assessing diversity in their collections, this change allows collection analysis to address works from under-represented groups.

Choreo Insights is an extensive library analytics solution that uses WorldCat holdings data to align academic library collections with institutional focus areas, emerging curriculum priorities, and future trends.

Originally released with the top 70 languages in WorldCat, Choreo Insights now allows libraries to include all 483 languages available in WorldCat for collection analysis.

Languages newly accessible for analysis include indigenous languages such as Micmac, Objibwa, and Sami. They include Asian languages such as Mongolian, Sinhalese, and Nepali; European languages like Croatian, Welsh, and Latvian; and languages from previous eras such as Ancient Greek and Middle French. These languages are represented in the primary language field in the WorldCat bibliographic record.

More about OCLC’s Choreo Insights is on the website.


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