National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week – April 10-16

National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week – April 10-16

The Federal Communications Commission’s Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau would like to thank and honor the men and women who serve everyday as public safety telecommunicators during this year’s National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week  (April 10-16, 2011).


First introduced by Congressman Markey, in 1991 during the 102nd Congress and Senator Biden, in 1993 during the 103rd Congress, a presidential proclamation was made for the second week of April to be designated as the National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week by then President Clinton in 1994. 


The National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week honors all local police, fire, and medical professionals, including Federal public safety officials, by recognizing their dedicated service in helping those in need through the use of telecommunications. Although this week is proclaimed for emergency responders, their valuable service should be applauded and held in the highest regard all through the year, for without their commitment, devotion, and hard work, countless number of lives and property would be in jeopardy. Thank you for helping our communities and keeping our nation safe. 

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